This week, I want to help you focus on something that is so critical to passion and purpose in your life. Anything that matters to you…you have to give it fuel. You have to give it some energy and creativity, innovation, and make the choice to do things well…to do them with passion and with purpose. When you give things fuel you give them gas, right?

And in my book, that means you GIVE A SHIT.

Don’t tell anyone I said, that, ok? But it’s true that you have to actually care about the outcomes. Now, we all come to times in our lives where things are exactly as we want them to be.

Maybe the job isn’t exactly what you expected, maybe the relationship is ready for a little infusion, maybe parenting is in a phase that’s kind of hard (of course, we all know that’s a lot of the phases, right?). Maybe you’re ready for something different at home or in your hobbies or in your health and you want to make a shift.

The key is to remember that every change that requires momentum requires fuel. You’ve got to give a shit if you want to do things differently.

So, on the thing that maybe you’re struggling with or stumbling on, maybe you’re dragging your feet on something, it’s time to take a deep breath and step back. Then you say, “How can I frame something in this situation that isn’t the way that I want it to be and give it a little bit of gas to create something that brings me joy, contributes to the greater good, or sparks a little step forward, that helps me build momentum and connect with others in a way that feels meaningful or powerful?”

There are so many different ways you can put some gas into the things that aren’t the way that you want them to be, and just make one decision at a time…one decision to look at things differently, one decision to take action differently, one decision to decide to focus on what’s good, what’s positive, and what’s possible, rather than what isn’t exactly the way that you’d like it to be right now.

That, my friends, is your charge this week. Focus on putting some fuel into something that you want to make change in, no matter how small, give it a little bit of gas—give a shit! And I’m telling you, when you make that shift in your thinking, it will help you make that shift in your actions. And then, the sky’s the limit.

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